First 48: Capturing Your Baby’s First Hours of Life

The moment your new bundle of joy enters the world, everything changes. A love you’ve never experienced before fills your heart, and those first hours are some of the most precious and life-changing moments you'll ever have.

At Pixcapades, we’re here to preserve these fleeting hours so you can cherish them forever. From the tender snuggles to the first cries, every detail of your baby’s arrival will be documented with care and sensitivity.

As a parent myself, I know the joy and overwhelming emotions of labor and delivery. The days my children were born were the happiest of my life, but if I’m honest, much of it feels like a blur. That’s why I’m passionate about helping families hold onto these memories through beautiful, heartfelt photography.

Let us help you remember every precious detail of your baby's first hours with timeless images you’ll treasure forever.

First 48 $1000


How do I book a First 48?

You can reach out to us via the contact page, email or phone.
(970) 647-4686

What is the turn around time to receive our memories?

All First 48 sessions will be delivered within 2-4 weeks from your delivery date.

How will galleries be delivered?

Once I have completed the editing process, you will be emailed a link and download pin to access your memories through an online gallery. Table albums and prints can take roughly 2 weeks from the day of selection to be delivered via snail mail.

How many hours of coverage is included?

Every birth is an individual experience. Once you call to let me know it is time, I will arrive at the hospital and capture the events of the day and birthing experience up to an hour after the birth. I will then return the following day for 2 hours to take photos in a more relaxed setting of your post partum room with just you and the baby, or any family that is there to congratulate you and welcome the new member of the family.